Do you have a Ram you need to shop for? Check out these perfect gifts for the Aries in your life. (Folks with Aries moon or Aries rising will probably like them, too!)
Top 5 Gifts for the Aries in Your Life
1.AAA Car Emergency Kit – Help Aries be prepared for anything. They are the Boy/Girl Scouts of the zodiac, after all! Comes with a fully-stocked first aid kit, jumper cables, an air compressor for your tires, an emergency whistle, and more. As a (sometimes underprepared) Pisces, I really need to get one myself!
2. Moon and Stars Outdoor Fire Pit – Guess who loves playing with fire? Help Aries channel their inner Beavis with this safer-than-playing-with-fireworks fire pit.
3. A Sleek Aries Necklace – There’s a lot of astro-jewelry out there, but I like this simple piece with the Aries glyph as the pendant.
4. Fiery Ferments: 70 Stimulating Recipes for Hot Sauces, Spicy Chutneys, Kimchis with Kick, and Other Blazing Fermented Condiments – Aries are known for their adventurous palates, so this cookbook is sure to please!
5. A Quirky Art Print– I just found this artist on Society6, and I love her zodiac series omg. Someone get me the fishy Pisces? Pretty please??

What are some of your favorite gifts for Aries? Let me know in the comments below. Stay tuned for some recommendations for earthy Taurus!